Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

Mein Letzter Post Aus Canada

Hallo meine lieben Freunde,
das wird das letzte Mal sein das ich mich aus Canada melde.
Da ich am Samstag schon leider zurück fliege.

Ich hatte eine unglaubliche Zeit in Canada und ich bin mir sicher, dass ich es nie vergessen werde.
Es war nicht immer einfach, doch so ist das Leben nunmal.

Ich habe unglaublich tolle Menschen kennengelernt und es tut mir in der Seele weh sie zu verlassen.
Ich bin so drankbar für meine zweite canadische Familie und die besten Freundinnen die ich mir hätte wünschen können.

Natürlich ist nichts so gelaufen wie ich es 12 Monate lang geplant habe, doch es was eine AMAZING time.

Ich bin so drankbar, dass mir meine Eltern diese Chance und das Abenteuer ermöglicht haben.


Ich denke, dass ich ein bisschen Zeit in Deutschland brauchen werde um wieder anzukommen. Trotzdem gefällt es mir total zu bloggen und ich habe noch einige Themen über die ich schreiben will. Zum Beispiel: Tipps für zukünftige Austauschschüler, Schule, Religion und noch einiges mehr. 

Natürlich auch ein riesengroßes Dankeschön an alle die meine Abenteuer mitverfolgt haben. Ich hoffe, dass es nicht zu langweilig war, und das ihr einen guten Einblick in mein Leben bekomme habt. 

Lots of love 

Sonntag, 25. Januar 2015

My Birthday

Hello Everybody,
thank you for everybody who is still thinking about me.

My 16th birthday was so crazy and amazing.
It started like a normal Saturday. After I skyped with my family for the last time...I did my favourite soup with my host mom.
After our family lunch, Thea came to bake an amazing pie at my home. After her Maren, Gioia, Ainhoa and Lydia arrived too. We made Tortilla, Salat and Pizza for supper. After this we watched a movie and we talked until 5am in the morning.

I can say that it was an amazing last sleepover in Canada. I am so glad that I met these girls. We are all so close and I hope that we will be friends for a very long time.
Also I would like to say thank you for my wounderful presents. I love the sweater, the "This is a Portkey" bag, my first home-made elefant, the book and the moos from my host family.

For everybody who is worried why I am not answering at whatapp anymore should know that my phone is broken. I can't us it anymore.

My last week started and I don't know what to feel, maybe if I find the time I will write something about it. But trust me I have a lot of plans because I don't want to waste my time in Canada.

Lots of love to all of you

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015

Mc Queens lake und mein letztes Mal Ski fahren in Canada

Hello everybody,
last friday I went to Mc Queens lake. It was amazing. I love the landscape there. Mc Queens lake is so beautiful. Everywhere were little lodges. I played hockey, took pictures in the snow and did snowshoeing.
I took a lot of pictures...

Today I went skiing with Thea. It was so much fun. The weather was great and the runs were just amazing. Maren couldn't come with us because she is sick. It was an perfect day for my last ski day.

Robert wrote this for our front yard...

Montag, 5. Januar 2015

My First Snow Day

Hallo everybody,
heute sollte eigentlich mein erster Schultag sein, doch dank des Wetter haben wir innerhalb von 24 Stunden 45cm bekommen. Das war heute morgen, inzwischen muss es noch viel mehr sein. Denn es hört nicht auf zu schneien. Es schneit und schneit. Deswegen hat das Schuldistric 73. zum ersten Mal seit 37 Jahren beschlossen die Schulen zu schließen.
Ich bin so glücklich. Es ist so viel Schnee und einfach nur wunderschön.
So habe ich mir Kanada im Winter vorgestellt.
Ich habe dann heute für 1h mit meinen Gastgeschwistern im Schnee gespielt.
Wir hatten total viel Spaß und natürlich habe ich auch mit geholfen Schnee zu shovel und das schon zum zweiten Mal. Ja, Mama ich helfe mit.


Happy NewYear!

I want to tell you a bit about my new years eve. My new years eve was very different this year because I am in Canada.
Here in Canada is New Years Eve not a big deal. Lots of people are going to bed to their normal time. My host family for example just had supper and than their played games and enjoyed their evening. This is nice and I really like these evenings but I think it is a tradition to celebrate the old and the new year at this day.
I met my friends at Lydias house. Unfortunately Thea and Maren weren't able to come. First we dressed up a bit. I was wearing my christmas dress. Than we had pizza for supper and we played pool.

Afterwoods we went to Ainhoas house because her parents had friends over. There we had some drinks, of course without alcohol, and we played fußball. I am so bad in fußball. Everybody who had to play with me lost. Thanks you to keep playing with me.
At half past eleven we went back to Lydias, there we tried to make our glasse nicer. So we put sugar around the border and we had christmas oranges.
First of all I have to say that their were no fireworks in Kamloops. So we were inside and watched the ball drop again. We were four girl so we had to combine all our traditions. I wanted to watch Dinner For One, so we did this at about 11.30.
Than at midnight I was standing on a chair, because Gioias wanted to jump in the new year. I had a bowl with 12 pieces of chocolate in my hand. Because a spanish traditon is it to eat during the last 12 seconds, 12 grapes but we didn't have grapes so we ate chocolate. It was so difficult to eat the chocolate so fast. And I was standing on one foot because under my foot were wishes for the new year.
After we did all this at 12.00. We went outside to jump in the snow for the first time in 2015 and that was so strange. It was quite. We were the only people outside. Nobody was there it was so quite. No happy people, fireworks or anything. But we yelled all together Happy New Year.

I was so tired, that I felt asleep after another two pool games and 10 minutes of the movie "New Years Eve".

So this was my New Years Eve. Very different but I had a lot of fun with my friends and I will do all this spanish/gioiaischen tradtions again.

Now I have less than 4 weeks left. I am sad and happy. At the moment more sad but that is okay. All the feelings I had during my last days in Germany are coming back but this time it is the other way around.

I will miss Canada so much but before I go I have a long list with things to do...